Assuming of course that you are reading this on the blog.
I’ve added a bunch of stuff from my Obsidian knowledge base here, as well as the various articles I’ve written and put up over time, initially via email newsletters, then via CodiMD, and then to my Medium.
Some links don’t work. This is because they lead to private files in my knowledge base, which are not part of the public blog.
You may also want to check out the Archive of Cool Kid Club Articles.
Technical details
Well, it ain’t no motherfuckin website, but it’s still dirt simple, it’s tiny in download size, and it looks good in mobile. What else do you want?
Nothing too fancy or complex, this is pure Markdown, converted to HTML using Jekyll with the Minima theme (currently using the main branch of the theme because they never officially released v3) and shipped using Github Pages via the GH Actions publisher.
I initially had this as a Github pages project site, so it showed up under When I eventually bought on Namecheap and pointed the records here, the subpath was messing up my resources (the main page showed up as, but the resources were available in, so I moved it to which is the address user sites are supposed to have for Github. Notably this also meant that I had to set up the alkoclick/alkoclick repo again because I want to have people who arrive seeing something nice.