Potentially useful tech tools
Post Accident attribution accident to a root cause is fundamentally wrong.
Books to read
Writing pull request descriptions
Joint optimisation on sociotechnical systems
K3s fails to renew certificates
Donella meadows leverage points
10 years of professional software engineering
Xbox game controller on linux using bluetooth
Things i believe about tech
Enchanted objects
Topics i can present
Practical example of improving a pull request description
Knowledge alongside code
Google technical writing course
Thoughts from reading 1000 iac pull requests in one day
Sociotechnical systems
Running a pull request awards event
Pull request awards
3 step writing process
My life objective is to maximise pleasant time spent with loved ones
Movies to watch
Richard cook
Hot tech summer apple, colonial pipeline and workers at bunq
Above and below the line of representation
Writing optimisation
The shirky principle
Scaling a desirable engineering trait
Pull request hall of fame
Institutional memory
Ideas are uniquely expressed in mediums
Gerard thomas and conceptual ideas
9 principles of sociotechnical design
Work priorities and the four Day workweek
Thorsrud six characteristics of a good job
Sociotechnical systems in action
Parsons four subsystems for the survival of a social system
Working with kdenlive for video editing
The autoscaling groups default launch template is not the default launch template used for autoscaling
Notes on the principles of sociotechnical design
H265 on windows
Good jobs
Basic amsterdam delivery
Amsterdam croissant reviews
Thoughts on utopia by thomas moore
Notes on reading threat modelling in the netherlands
My values
Ethical os framework
Giving money to people
Amsterdam star run route
Enchanting objects
Enchanting digital objects
Pictures of heavens hotel hoorn
Thoughts on kafka's the trial
Thoughts on the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
Works of art and conways law
Interviewing at vanmoof
Straat street art museum
Melissani lake
Gift ideas
Vegan bechamel
Tyropita filo pita proportions
Getting started with defensive security where and how can it be done
Cool online free books
Things to do in cephalonia
List of cool kid club articles
Book reviews lord of the flies
You are my muse and i mean that not as compliment
While the world was at war
Selecting my next ebike
Hellas express
Blog todos
Tipc3 notes
Pictures of falles 2022
The story spine
The most craziest week
The best story i ever heard
Notes on storytelling
11 years ago on this day
Book reviews tiflomiga
Equity theory
Cloud free tier
Things to do in peloponisos
Google technical writing course live seminar
Dotfiles using terraform
Art that made me think
3 pillars in thessaloniki
Things to do in thessaloniki
My dev notifications workflow
Why people make commitments
We made it folks!
The shoulders of giants
The next best thing
Tech radars
Playing with the dark (language) and gradle configuration caching
Pattern recognition
More enjoy fencing!
Itโs going down, iโm yelling timber
It be like that sometimes
I probably should find a title for this
Developer responsibility
Working with the garage door up
Using kotlin sealed classes to map out an api domain
Tricking homebrew to avoid installing a dependency
Things to do in athens
The belle
The analog city and the digital city
Successive container pushes failing when using jib
Running aws cli in docker
Questions on finding your authentic self
Plotting sparse prometheus data in grafana without missing values
Plain language
Natalie j allen
Nash equilibrium
Isabel pisano
Is this the life, the one you imagined?
Insights on aws summit brussels 22
Gotta keep on keeping on
Going through changes
Everything is going wrong, but weโre so happy
Devops k8s autoscaling stuff
Amd pmc issues in lenovo thinkbook s13
Acpi power states
A short introduction
Application.desktop files
Yubikeys on ubuntu
Wolfgang tillmans
Thoughts on a networking book
Thoughts on testing
The value of dev education
Terraform code to blow up when running in default workspace
Terraform ides
Systemic design
Stuck on initramfs
Sending sighup to a process
Screen sharing in wayland
Salad ideas
S0ix states
Obsidian size limit 10gb
Obsidian daily notes journaling
My last instagram post
Lemonade recipe
Learning in public
Kelsey hightower
Infrastructure as code
Howard s becker
Hinduism 101
Hertzbleed in simple terms
Gini coefficient
Factors of selecting a company to work for
Exploring writing without reading
Does it feel good to write
Dark triad
Count words command in obsidian
Confused deputy problem
Clock tower in zevgolatio
Cfp ideas
Authenticating into aws ecr